With over six decades of global experience in consulting engineering, we are distinguished by our ethical principles, strong commitment, and socially responsible behavior.

Shareholders' meeting
The General Shareholders' Meeting is the company's highest governing body, comprising all registered shareholders and their representatives.
Each shareholder has voting rights proportional to their shares, without restrictions.
The General Assembly meets annually in regular session to review the company's status, appoint directors and officers, set economic guidelines, review the accounts and balance sheet for the last financial year, decide on profit distribution, and agree on measures to ensure the fulfillment of the corporate purpose.
Integral´s General Shareholder Meeting February 2024
LUIS FERNANDO RESTREPO VÉLEZ, Executive President of INTEGRAL S.A., is authorized to convene an Extraordinary Shareholders' Meeting to be held virtually on Friday, February 23, 2024, at 10:00 a.m. The meeting will take place via Microsoft Teams, accessible through a link on our website,, or by clicking the following link (hold the control key and right-click):
The foregoing, in the terms of Article 19 of Law 222 of 1995, as amended by Article 148 of Decree-Law 019 of 2012 and Decree 398 of March 13, 2020. During this extraordinary session, the following agenda will be sold out:
1. Verification of the quorum.
2. Appointment of the President of the Meeting.
3. Election of the Commission for review and approval of the minutes.
4. Proposal for the reexpression of the financial statements for the 2022 fiscal period.
Shareholders who are unable to attend virtually may be represented by a written power of attorney granted in accordance with the law, or to cast their vote in advance. The documents relating to the agenda, the power model, as well as the format for the issuance of early voting are attached to this email, or may be requested at Except in cases of legal representation, the Company's directors and employees may not represent actions other than their own at the meetings of the Extraordinary Shareholders' Meeting while in office.