Hydrology, hydraulics and sediments

Light blue circular gradient


  • Characterization of rainfall and maximum flows for the design of hydroelectric projects or river infrastructure
  • Multitemporal analysis of average flow series for hydroelectric development
  • Analysis of water availability for aqueducts, irrigation districts and the use of energy projects
  • Integrated management model for water resource management and use
  • Studies for the definition of environmental flow, national and international regulations
  • Analysis of flood events using satellite information
  • Average flow prediction systems for energy use, aqueducts or irrigation systems
  • Support to sectors for research, planning, and environmental management of watersheds


  • One-dimensional, two-dimensional and three-dimensional modeling of rivers and streams
  • Shore line modeling and river-sea interactions
  • Modeling and optimization of hydraulic works
  • Design of pipelines and hydraulic works for the stabilization of erosive processes in rivers and streams
  • Design of catchment works
  • Design of hydraulic works for road infrastructure projects
  • Design of works for the control of erosion on bridges
  • Design of spurs, breakwaters and complementary works for shore defense or erosion control
  • Design of works for flood control
  • Analysis of dam ruptures, hydraulic traffic and definition of risk zones
  • Delimitation, mapping and risk analysis for flood events
  • Design of dams, jarillons and platforms for flood control
  • Hydraulic studies to characterize flooded areas and swamp complexes
  • Water quality studies for rivers, reservoirs and swamp complexes
  • Contaminant dispersion studies in water bodies
  • Advice for water quality monitoring and sampling plans
  • Preparation of permits for discharges to bodies of water

Dams and related works

  • Diversion systems — Bottom discharges — Landfills


  • Hydraulic studies to analyze mining alternatives
  • River navigability studies
  • River Relocation Design
  • Sediment production, management and control studies in hydrographic basins
  • Morphodynamic response analysis of rivers.
  • Studies on the gradation and evolution of the sediment delta in reservoirs
  • Studies of the effects of gradation and degradation of riverbeds and streams

Catchments at the water's edge

  • Bypass structure, weir, bottom discharge, catchments, desander

Water edge drains

  • Hydrological and hydraulic calculations for road drains in rural, urban and mining areas
  • Drains, road tunnels
  • Hydrological and hydraulic calculations in urban area designs and for environmental management works

Networks and Sanitation

  • Design and modernization of aqueduct and sewerage networks for high, medium and low complexity populations.
  • Wet network design for urban road infrastructure projects, hydroelectric projects and mining projects.
  • Aqueduct and Sewer Master Plans
  • Modeling of aqueduct and sewerage networks
  • Implementation of aqueduct and sewerage network design using the BIM methodology
  • Design of drinking and wastewater treatment plants