Environmental Studies and Management

Light blue circular gradient

Environmental, technical and economic evaluation of projects

  • Alternative Environmental Diagnostics — DAA
  • Environmental Impact Studies — EIA
  • Environmental Licensing and Permit Strategies

Basic studies and collection of primary information

  • Soil studies
  • Environmental flow studies and landscape studies
  • Characterization of air quality
  • Characterization of noise levels
  • Physicochemical characterization of water
  • Inventories of fauna, flora and forests

Design and execution of environmental management plans

  • Designing Community Information and Participation Programs (PIPC) Environmental Modeling, Management, and Monitoring
  • Work and works plan — PTO Mining
  • Environmental Compliance Reports — ICA
  • Environmental risk analysis and contingency plans
  • Prior consultation with communities
  • Design of social management plans
  • Consultancy for environmental public hearings Preventive Archaeology