Geology, Geotechnics and Earthquake Engineering

Light blue circular gradient

Geology and Geomorphology

  • Geological models at detailed scales
  • Geological and geotechnical mapping for infrastructure projects
  • Hydrogeology studies
  • Geology and Geomorphology for Environmental Studies
  • Morphometry/ Structural Geology and Neotectonics
  • Identifying and characterizing material sources
  • ZODMES identification and design
  • Analysis and interpretation of remote sensor images
  • Geological Threat Zoning


  • Soil and floor studies
  • Planning and monitoring direct and indirect exploration
  • Design of surface and underground excavations
  • Liquefaction and local effects studiesDesign of containment structures and foundations for civil works
  • Slope Stability Studies
  • Tunnel Design/geotechnical studies for FCED trickle dams and ECRD soil
  • Monitoring and analysis of geotechnical instrumentation systems
  • Geotechnical design for transmission lines and substations
  • Soil-structure interaction studies
  • Landslide Threat Study
  • Risk Zoning Due to Mass Movements
  • Seismic microzoning studies

Seismology and Earthquake Engineering

  • Seismic Threat Studies
  • Seismic risk assessment
  • Installation and operation of a seismometer and accelerograph network
  • Monitoring and analysis of seismic sources